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PHP-FPM Process Managers: ‘ondemand’ vs ‘dynamic’ vs ‘static’

PHP-FPM Process Managers: 'ondemand' vs 'dynamic' vs 'static'

In the dynamic world of PHP development, server performance is paramount. A well-tuned PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) configuration can significantly impact your application’s speed, scalability, and resource efficiency. Central to this optimization is the choice of process management strategy.

PHP-FPM offers three distinct approaches: static, dynamic, and ondemand. Each strategy has its unique characteristics, advantages, and drawbacks, making it suitable for different use cases. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore these strategies in detail, using PHP 8.3 as our reference point, to help you select the optimal process manager for your PHP application.

Understanding PHP-FPM: The Backbone of PHP Performance

PHP-FPM, or FastCGI Process Manager, is a vital component of modern PHP environments. It acts as a supervisor, efficiently managing the lifecycle of PHP worker processes. When a PHP request arrives, PHP-FPM assigns it to a worker process, which executes the code and returns the result. This architecture allows for robust concurrency and performance optimization.

Key responsibilities of PHP-FPM include:

  • Process management: Spawning, managing, and monitoring PHP worker processes.
  • Request routing: Distributing incoming requests to available worker processes.
  • Resource management: Optimizing resource utilization through various process management strategies.
  • Configuration management: Providing flexibility in configuring process behavior and performance parameters.

By understanding the role of PHP-FPM, we can better appreciate the impact of its process management strategies on application performance.

Static Process Manager

A predictable and consistent approach to process management. The static process manager maintains a fixed number of worker processes.

Key Characteristics:

  • Fixed process pool: Maintains a predetermined number of worker processes.
  • Predictable performance: Offers consistent response times due to the fixed process pool.
  • Minimal overhead: No process creation or destruction overhead.


  • Optimal for high-traffic applications: Can handle heavy workloads efficiently.
  • Resource-efficient: Ideal for applications with predictable resource requirements.
  • Security: Provides a more secure environment due to the fixed process pool.


  • Resource inefficiency during low traffic: May waste resources when demand is low.
  • Limited scalability: Less flexible in adapting to sudden traffic spikes.

Configuration Example:

Edit file: sudo nano /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf (This is the default pool configuration for PHP 8.3 on Ubuntu)

; Configuration for the default pool
; Process manager
pm = static
; Maximum number of child processes
pm.max_children = 50
; ... other PHP-FPM configuration options ...


  • [www]: This section defines the configuration for the default pool, typically named www.
  • pm = static: Sets the process manager to static mode, maintaining a fixed number of worker processes.
  • pm.max_children = 50: Specifies the maximum number of child processes (worker processes) that PHP-FPM can spawn.

Note: The specific location of the configuration file may vary depending on your PHP version and distribution. You can usually find it by running the command php-fpm -v.

When to Choose:

  • Applications with consistent, high traffic: Ideal for e-commerce platforms, content-heavy websites, or real-time applications.
  • Servers with ample resources: Requires sufficient CPU and memory to sustain the fixed process pool.
  • Need for predictable performance: When consistent response times are critical.

Dynamic Process Manager

A flexible approach that adapts to changing workloads. The dynamic process manager adjusts the number of child processes based on the current load.

Key Characteristics:

  • Adaptive process pool: Automatically adjusts the number of worker processes based on current load.
  • Resource efficiency: Optimizes resource utilization by scaling processes up or down.
  • Scalability: Can handle varying traffic patterns effectively.


  • Adapts to varying traffic: Efficiently handles peak and off-peak periods.
  • Balances resource usage: Avoids resource wastage during low traffic.
  • Suitable for a wide range of applications: Versatile for various use cases.


  • Process creation overhead: May introduce slight performance overhead during process creation and destruction.
  • Configuration tuning: May require fine-tuning to achieve optimal performance.

Configuration Example:

Edit file: sudo nano /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

; Configuration for the default pool
; Process manager
pm = dynamic
; Maximum number of child processes
pm.max_children = 50
; Initial number of child processes to start
pm.start_servers = 5
; Minimum number of idle processes maintained
pm.min_spare_servers = 5
; Maximum number of idle processes maintained
pm.max_spare_servers = 35
; ... other PHP-FPM configuration options ...


  • pm = dynamic: Sets the process manager to dynamic mode.
  • pm.max_children: The maximum number of child processes.
  • pm.start_servers: The initial number of child processes to start.
  • pm.min_spare_servers: The minimum number of idle processes maintained.
  • pm.max_spare_servers: The maximum number of idle processes maintained.

When to Choose:

  • Applications with varying traffic: Ideal for websites with fluctuating traffic patterns.
  • Balancing resource usage and performance: When optimizing resource consumption while maintaining good performance.
  • General-purpose applications: A good default choice for most PHP applications.

Ondemand Process Manager

A highly resource-efficient strategy for low-traffic applications. The ondemand process manager creates child processes only when they are needed and terminates them after a period of inactivity.

Key Characteristics:

  • Lazy process creation: Spawns worker processes only when requests arrive.
  • Process termination: Terminates idle processes after a specified timeout.
  • Extreme resource efficiency: Minimizes resource consumption during periods of inactivity.


  • Optimal resource utilization: Ideal for applications with infrequent or low traffic.
  • Cost-effective: Reduces server costs in shared hosting environments.
  • Simplicity: Easy to configure and manage.


  • Initial latency: May introduce slight latency when a new process needs to be created.
  • Difficulty handling sudden spikes: Can struggle to accommodate sudden increases in traffic.

Configuration Example:

Edit file: sudo nano /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

; Configuration for the default pool
; Process manager
pm = ondemand
; Maximum number of child processes
pm.max_children = 50
; Process idle timeout (seconds)
pm.process_idle_timeout = 10
; Maximum number of requests per process
pm.max_requests = 500
; ... other PHP-FPM configuration options ...


  • pm = ondemand: Sets the process manager to ondemand mode.
  • pm.max_children: The maximum number of child processes.
  • pm.process_idle_timeout: The maximum idle time before a process is terminated.
  • pm.max_requests: The maximum number of requests a process can handle before being terminated.

When to Choose:

  • Low-traffic applications: Ideal for websites with infrequent or low traffic.
  • Shared hosting environments: A cost-effective choice for maximizing resource utilization.
  • Development environments: A good option for testing and development purposes.

Performance and Resource Usage Comparison

To illustrate the differences between the three process management strategies, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario:

Static Process Manager:

  • Consistent resource usage: Maintains a fixed memory footprint of 500MB.
  • Predictable performance: Handles a consistent 1000 requests per second.

Dynamic Process Manager:

  • Adaptive resource usage: Memory usage fluctuates between 200MB and 600MB based on load.
  • Scalable performance: Handles 800–1200 requests per second, adapting to varying traffic.

Ondemand Process Manager:

  • Minimal resource usage: Memory usage ranges from 50MB to 700MB, with a significant reduction during low traffic.
  • Potential latency: May experience slight response time spikes when new processes are created.

Choosing the Right Strategy

The optimal process manager depends on your application’s specific needs. Consider the following factors:

  • Traffic patterns: Static is suitable for consistent traffic, dynamic for varying traffic, and ondemand for low traffic.
  • Resource constraints: Ondemand is ideal for resource-limited environments, while static and dynamic offer more flexibility.
  • Performance requirements: Static and dynamic generally provide better performance than ondemand, especially during peak loads.

Code Example: Checking PHP-FPM Status

Create file: fpm_status.php

$status = @file_get_contents('http://localhost/status');
if ($status === false) {
    die("Failed to get PHP-FPM status");
$data = json_decode($status, true);
echo "Current PHP-FPM pool: " . $data['pool'] . "\n";
echo "Process manager: " . $data['process manager'] . "\n";
echo "Active processes: " . $data['active processes'] . "\n";
echo "Idle processes: " . $data['idle processes'] . "\n";

Ensure the status page is enabled in your PHP-FPM configuration:

; ... other configuration options ...
; Enable the status page
pm.status_path = /status

By running this script, you can monitor the status of your PHP-FPM pool, including the number of active and idle processes. This information can help you assess the performance and resource usage of your chosen process management strategy.


Choosing the right PHP-FPM process manager depends on your specific use case:

  • Static is best for high-traffic, resource-intensive applications where performance consistency is crucial.
  • Dynamic offers a good balance and is suitable for most applications with varying traffic levels.
  • Ondemand is ideal for low-traffic sites or environments where resource efficiency is paramount.

Remember, the best choice may require some experimentation and monitoring of your application’s performance under different conditions. With PHP 8.3’s improved performance and these finely-tuned process management strategies, you can optimize your PHP applications to handle any level of traffic efficiently.

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